AI Tools for Business: Artificial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs 2023

Custom AI Solutions: A Quick Guide Machine learning coupled with natural language processing gives retailers an edge by transforming business operations to focus more on improving customer relations. It’s obvious that AI is no longer a choice but an absolute necessity in the retail sector. From managing inventory levels to improving customer service, these smart … Read more

Enhancing Guest Delight: Exploring the Magic of Conversational AI in Hospitality

Beyond the hype: The rise of conversational AI in hospitality ” could become a blog post that also features reviews from past guests who recommend the hotel specifically for this purpose – and better positions the hotel for conversational search recommendations. If your hotel already uses such solutions, they can be integrated with conversational AI … Read more

Generative AI Use Cases in Finance and Banking

AI in Finance 2022: Applications & Benefits in Financial Services The algorithms can execute trades at reasonable prices, reducing human errors that otherwise might result in the losses of millions of dollars. These systems will provide better customer service and improve the efficiency of banks’ operations. However, with great power comes great responsibility, and as … Read more

To Regulate AI or Not? How should Governments React to the Artificial Intelligence Revolution? 60 Leaders

Implications of the use of artificial intelligence in public governance: A systematic literature review and a research agenda He is currently a senior advisor to Acumen Public Affairs in Brussels, and an adjunct professor of strategic and political communications at American University in Washington. He is an advisor/member to Diplomats Without Borders, and is a mentor … Read more

How Is AI Changing the Auto Industry?

Driving into the Future: AI and Tech Revolutionizing the Automotive Industry While companies must comply with regulatory frameworks and work towards data security and privacy, finding and hiring the right talent to yield the best out of technology, adoption is as important. If you’re navigating a career path in the automotive industry, starting with AI … Read more

How AWS Partners are advancing generative AI for government, health care, and other public sector organizations

AI Regulation: Are Governments Up to the Task? For example, in the case of weapon systems, this may be impossible because the enemy has jammed the communication channels. In the case of consumer applications such as autonomous cars, this may be impractical because the device will not receive a response fast enough to meet application … Read more

Política de Protección de Datos Personales

Conforme a la Ley de Protección de Datos Personales (29733) y al Código de Protección y Defensa del Consumidor (Ley 29571), otorgo consentimiento previo, informado, expreso e inequívoco para que mis datos sean incluidos en el Banco de Datos Personales: “PERSONAS INTERESADAS EN LA FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS DE LA COMUNICACIÓN, TURISMO Y PSICOLOGÍA DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE SAN MARTIN DE PORRES” y sean tratados con la finalidad de: proporcionar o recabar información a través de llamadas telefónicas, mensajes SMS, e-mail, chats, etc., con los objetivos de: (i) evaluar mi posible ingreso a algunos de los programas ofertados, (ii) absolver consultas, (iii) prospección comercial, (iv) publicidad sobre cursos y actividades, (v) gestión de clientes y perfiles, (vi) fines estadísticos, históricos o científicos.

Autorizo a la FCCTP a almacenar mis datos por un plazo indeterminado o hasta su revocación y autorizo la transferencia nacional e internacional de estos a organizaciones directamente relacionadas con FCCTP, instituciones educativas y/o cualquier entidad pública que corresponda para la correcta eventual prestación del servicio educativo. Expreso conocer mi derecho de acceso, actualización, rectificación, inclusión, oposición y/o revocación de esta autorización, enviándolo a o presentándola físicamente en la Av. Tomás Marsano 242, Surquillo, Perú